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FX 중개 라이선스 FAQ

FX 라이선스 비용은 얼마입니까? 

라이센스 가격은 관할 구역 및 시장에 따라 다르며 $2000에서 최대 $18,000입니다.


FX 라이선스를 취득하는 데 얼마나 걸립니까?

라이센스에 따라 영업일 기준 3일에서 3개월  


FX 라이선스를 받으려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?

등록된 회사, 여권, 거주 증명서, 보증금(규제 기관에 따라 다름) 및 면허 신청 수수료.  

FX 중개를 설립하기 위한 최소 자본금은 얼마입니까?

초기에 필요할 수 있는 주요 비용은 다음과 같습니다. 라이선스 신청 수수료, 보증금, 연간 라이선스 수수료, 회사 등록, 거래 플랫폼, 유동성  

회사는 라이센스를 위해 얼마를 동결해야 합니까?

FCA UK와 같은 일부 라이선스는 GBP 730,000 보증금이 필요하고 일부 해외 라이선스는 보증금이 필요하지 않습니다.  


FX 라이선스 외에 어떤 서비스가 있습니까?

거래플랫폼, 사업자등록, 화이트라벨 솔루션  

더 궁금한 사항이 있으시면 저희 팀으로 연락주세요



Mauritius FSC license for FX brokers (Investment dealer license)

Mauritius FSC license for FX brokers (Investment dealer license)

Welcome to B2B Hub, your ultimate partner in global business expansion. In this video, we introduce you to our wide range of corporate services designed to support your business at every stage. 🌐 Global Company Registration: Simplify your international business journey with our comprehensive company registration services. We specialize in handling the complexities of setting up businesses across different countries, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. 🔐 Licensing Services: Navigate the intricate world of business licensing with ease. Whether you're in finance, retail, or any other sector, our tailored licensing solutions ensure your operations are fully legal and up to date. ⚓ Maritime Services: Specializing in the maritime sector, we offer expert services including vessel registration and maritime compliance, helping you smoothly sail through the administrative seas. 🏦 Bank Account Opening: Start your financial journey on the right foot. Our connections with top international banks provide you with the best options for business banking, making account setup a breeze. 📊 Audit and Corporate Services: Beyond starting up, we're here to support your business growth. Our range of services includes thorough financial audits and strategic consulting, ensuring your business stays efficient and compliant. 🌟 Connect with B2B Hub Today! 🌟 🔗 Explore Our World: 🌐 Website: Discover more about our services at 📧 Get in Touch: ✉️ Email Us: Questions or inquiries? Reach out at 📱 WhatsApp: Chat with us instantly at +447488811617 📞 Telephone: Speak directly to our experts at +447441426009 📱 Follow Us on Social Media: 📘 Facebook: Join our community on Facebook 📸 Instagram: Dive into our visual world on Instagram ▶️ YouTube: Watch our latest videos on YouTube 🎵 TikTok: Catch our fun and informative clips on TikTok 💼 LinkedIn: Network with us on LinkedIn We're here to help your business thrive. Connect with us and take your business to new heights!
International Financial Services Commission of Belize

International Financial Services Commission of Belize

Welcome to B2B Hub, your ultimate partner in global business expansion. In this video, we introduce you to our wide range of corporate services designed to support your business at every stage. 🌐 Global Company Registration: Simplify your international business journey with our comprehensive company registration services. We specialize in handling the complexities of setting up businesses across different countries, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. 🔐 Licensing Services: Navigate the intricate world of business licensing with ease. Whether you're in finance, retail, or any other sector, our tailored licensing solutions ensure your operations are fully legal and up to date. ⚓ Maritime Services: Specializing in the maritime sector, we offer expert services including vessel registration and maritime compliance, helping you smoothly sail through the administrative seas. 🏦 Bank Account Opening: Start your financial journey on the right foot. Our connections with top international banks provide you with the best options for business banking, making account setup a breeze. 📊 Audit and Corporate Services: Beyond starting up, we're here to support your business growth. Our range of services includes thorough financial audits and strategic consulting, ensuring your business stays efficient and compliant. 🌟 Connect with B2B Hub Today! 🌟 🔗 Explore Our World: 🌐 Website: Discover more about our services at 📧 Get in Touch: ✉️ Email Us: Questions or inquiries? Reach out at 📱 WhatsApp: Chat with us instantly at +447488811617 📞 Telephone: Speak directly to our experts at +447441426009 📱 Follow Us on Social Media: 📘 Facebook: Join our community on Facebook 📸 Instagram: Dive into our visual world on Instagram ▶️ YouTube: Watch our latest videos on YouTube 🎵 TikTok: Catch our fun and informative clips on TikTok 💼 LinkedIn: Network with us on LinkedIn We're here to help your business thrive. Connect with us and take your business to new heights!
Capital Markets Authority of Saudi Arabia

Capital Markets Authority of Saudi Arabia

Welcome to B2B Hub, your ultimate partner in global business expansion. In this video, we introduce you to our wide range of corporate services designed to support your business at every stage. 🌐 Global Company Registration: Simplify your international business journey with our comprehensive company registration services. We specialize in handling the complexities of setting up businesses across different countries, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. 🔐 Licensing Services: Navigate the intricate world of business licensing with ease. Whether you're in finance, retail, or any other sector, our tailored licensing solutions ensure your operations are fully legal and up to date. ⚓ Maritime Services: Specializing in the maritime sector, we offer expert services including vessel registration and maritime compliance, helping you smoothly sail through the administrative seas. 🏦 Bank Account Opening: Start your financial journey on the right foot. Our connections with top international banks provide you with the best options for business banking, making account setup a breeze. 📊 Audit and Corporate Services: Beyond starting up, we're here to support your business growth. Our range of services includes thorough financial audits and strategic consulting, ensuring your business stays efficient and compliant. 🌟 Connect with B2B Hub Today! 🌟 🔗 Explore Our World: 🌐 Website: Discover more about our services at 📧 Get in Touch: ✉️ Email Us: Questions or inquiries? Reach out at 📱 WhatsApp: Chat with us instantly at +447488811617 📞 Telephone: Speak directly to our experts at +447441426009 📱 Follow Us on Social Media: 📘 Facebook: Join our community on Facebook 📸 Instagram: Dive into our visual world on Instagram ▶️ YouTube: Watch our latest videos on YouTube 🎵 TikTok: Catch our fun and informative clips on TikTok 💼 LinkedIn: Network with us on LinkedIn We're here to help your business thrive. Connect with us and take your business to new heights!
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